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The Labour Inspectorate starts a campaign for the prevention of the most frequent work-related diseases


54% of the employees in Bulgaria suffer from one or more musculoskeletal disorders. Most frequent are pains in the back, shoulders, neck, upper and lower limbs. According to an analysis of the State Social Security for 2019, concluded by the NSSI, almost 75% of the insured people, who benefited from prevention and rehabilitation under the program of the same name, have diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

During the European „Healthy Workplaces Lighten the Load“ campaign, emphasis was put on providing better information on work-related risks, which lead to musculoskeletal disorders and sharing of good practices for their prevention.

Part of the measures, which can be used for overcoming musculoskeletal disorders coming from a wrong work posture, repetitive movements, moving of heavy loads, tiring and painful body positions etc., are task rotation, more regular breaks for those, who work in uncomfortable positions, provision of ergonomic equipment, using the appropriate equipment for performing lifting and moving activities for heavy loads etc. Appropriate measures can be marked by using the online tools for interactive assessment of the risk. The tools available in Bulgarian are for over 40 economic activities.

According to the European Agency for Safety and Health at work, when looking at each economic activity, most employees who suffer from back pains, as well as pains in the upper and lower limbs, come from construction, agriculture, water supply, forestry and fishing. The spread of musculoskeletal disorders is above average among people working in the fields of healthcare and social activities.

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