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Montupet EOOD

Montupet is a French industrial group, created in the distant 1894, recognized as a world leader in the manufacturing of aluminum articles for the automotive industry. The company owns seven factories in France, Great Britain, Spain, Mexico, Bulgaria and India. The factory in Ruse was established in the end of 2006 and it became operable in 2008. Currently, the company has three production halls, in which cylindrical heads and bearers are produced for world-renowned automotive designers. From its entry into Bulgaria in 2006 until now, the French company has invested 200 mln. euro in its production facilities in Ruse. Montupet EOOD is a winner of the First-Class Manufacturer award, Investor of the year in the automotive industry for 2007 and 2013, while also in 2013 it won the national award for health and safety in the workplace in the category «Big companies». At the beginning of 2016 the company became part of the Canadian group Linamar.

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European Regional Development Fund under the Interreg V-A Romania-BulgariaProgramme.
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